What we do
Early, fast and non-destructive determination of nitrogen and water supply status of plants.
Why we do it?
Over-fertilization has a strong environmental impact by provoking a host of serious environmental hazards.
Both professional farmers as growers of agricultural or ornamental plants as well as hobby gardeners in their home or allotment garden strive for healthy plants with high yields, which is why fertilizers and artificial irrigation are used. However, fertilizers are usually not applied in accordance with real needs leading to over-fertilization. Over-fertilization has a strong environmental impact by provoking numerous serious environmental hazards. Moreover, mineral-fertilizer manufacturing is highly energy intensive, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions and extensive resource use. Nitrogen has a particularly devastating effect on soil fertility, soil biodiversity and waterbody quality. Air quality is negatively affected by the ammonia emissions resulting from manure use, as well as by nitrous oxide emissions from ground on which manure has been spread. These emissions also increase climate change. The solution of the problem is a switch to precision farming enabling application of fertilizers according to the real needs of plants in optimum doses. To do this, determination of the current supply status of the plants with nutrients is necessary in order to adjust the ideal amount of fertilizer. Hence, there is an urgent need for a new, quick and easy to carry out early diagnosis tool for determination of supply status of plants.
Our Solution
Easy-to-use devices to measure the kinetics of the photosynthesis system via optical sensors.
We develop innovative, mobile measuring devices for the early, fast and non-destructive determination of nitrogen and water supply status of plants.
It's cheaper.
Reducing costs by using less fertilizer.
One step further.
Higher yields through optimized supply.
Waste less.
Expensive resources like water and fertilizer are saved.
For the next generations.
Reduction of environmental pollution caused by nitrogen compounds and high energy consumption in fertilizer production.
Live and eat healthier.
Better avoidance of nitrate contaminated food.
The handy instruments (yield°e) are the result of long-standing research about the adaptation of plants to extreme environmental conditions. Based on this experience, we developed our diagnosis tool which determines the plants’ nitrogen supply by measuring the kinetics of the photosynthesis system via optical sensors. Nutrient supply and physiological condition of plants are determined in real time and displayed in an easy to understand diagram. An app for mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) enables more detailed analyses and cloud-based storage of the data.
Further development of the hardware for use on agricultural machinery (tractors) will enable automatic spreading of fertilizer in a selective and precise dose according to the real needs of crop plants (Digitally-enhanced precision farming, Agriculture 4.0).
Our Products
Arborcheck is a cost-effective
system that provides assessment of overall vitality and stresses and strains of trees.
Watch our story in 3 minutes
Our Expertise
Decades of joint research activity in the field of molecular plant physology.

Phytoprove Pflanzenanalytik UG was founded in February 2019 as a spin-off of the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F) in the city of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, by the biologists Daniel Weber and Thomas Berberich. Both founders have more than twenty years of joint research activity in the field of molecular plant physiology.
Daniel Weber is a biologist (diploma) and trained retail salesman. He is specialized on the biophysical analysis and evaluation of performance parameters and stress physiology of plants. With his expertise he is involved in projects of basic as well as applied research.
Thomas Berberich is a biologist holding a doctorate degree and postdoctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation) in botany. Since decades he is doing research in molecular plant physiology with focus on adaptation of plants to extreme conditions. Since 2010 he heads the laboratory centre of Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F).
Julia Krohmer is a graduate geoecologist holding a doctorate degree in biology and joined Phytoprove in September 2021. She has over ten years of experience in Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT), PR and media relations, networking and scientific coordination.
The setting-up of the company was supported by an EXIST scholarship. Since May 2019, the patenting of the device and measuring method developed by Phytoprove has been co-financed by the funding measure „WIPANO Knowledge and Technology Transfer through Patents and Standards“.
In the Science4Life Venture Cup, Germany’s largest business plan competition for innovative business ideas in the fields of life sciences, chemistry and energy, Phytoprove 2019 took second place. In 2020, Phytoprove won the Leibniz Start-Up Prize. Phytoprove is sponsored by The German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt – DBU) within the Green Start-up program. By fulfilling the requirements of the „INVEST – Subsidy for Venture Capital“ funding guideline of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control, investments in Phytoprove are subsidized with 20% of the investment sum paid out to the investor.
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